Dealers - Tapizados Doñana


We have no borders . Our products are demanded in the Spanish territory and abroad. We do not intend to make a delivery without knowing the market where it is directed, which has led us to be able to open the way to many European countries and grow for years where few companies before could.

The first years were not easy times. While many brands in the sector saw their development slowed, even forced to close or disappear, due to the economic crisis that affected the whole world, our growth remained constant and gradual.

Consolidation in the international market

At this present time, we are in full maturity and consolidation both in the national and international market.

Switzerland, France, Norway, Sweden or Morocco are some of the countries to which our powerful client network extends to. We work with Companies that provide us the necessary elements to adequately market our products in these places, always respecting the values which are why our brand is recognized, such as the quality of our finishings.

Personal relations with our customers

The relationship with our distributors is very personal. Many of them are small entrepreneurs who are interested in the products we create and seek to differentiate from the competition through an exclusive and gifted material of excellence.

This previous contact helps us to understand what the final objective of the distributor will be. In this way it is easier for us to advise you on the best products in our catalog. And making sure that you will like the final result.

We are used to work with decoration professionals: decorators or interior designers whose job is to give personality to the places based on furniture with style, originality and quality , both in private and public spaces.

It is also common that our furniture is used by companies specialized in providing furniture for offices, hotels or restaurants , demanding in turn elements capable of creating environments according to each scenario.


Se ha recibido un incentivo de la Agencia de Innovación y Desarrollo de Andalucía IDEA, de la Junta de Andalucía, por un importe de 53.208€ de la subvención, para la realización del proyecto CORTADORA DE ESPUMA DE FORMAS AUTOMÁTICAS.




An incentive has been received from the Andalusian Innovation and Development Agency IDEA, of the Government of Andalusia, for an amount of €53,208 of the subsidy, for the realization of the AUTOMATIC SHAPE FOAM CUTTER project.



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